Product identification, Labelling, Inspection and Robotics


The 2D Barcode Application range:

Scanning Two-dimensional (2D) barcode Printing Solutions

A high-resolution barcode reader with a wide field of view, designed to tackle complex applications and accurately read multiple symbologies in challenging environments.


1D and 2D code reading: Read all code types, including damaged or low-quality codes, for guaranteed results.

Multi-code reading: Scan multiple codes at the same time for fast and efficient track-and-trace operations.

Scanning codes on large items: Read codes on large items such as automotive or aviation parts with multi-reader sync and the wide field of view of the DataMan 390 series.

Read printed codes and direct part marks: Decode accurately on any surface in your facility.

Types of 2D Barcodes

VISY technology Systems QRCode

QR Code

A QR Code (Quick Response Code) is a two-dimensional barcode that can store and quickly retrieve information when scanned using a smartphone, tablet, or dedicated QR scanner. It was invented in 1994 by Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota, to improve tracking in manufacturing but has since become widely used across various industries.

VISYtech GS1 DataMatrix

GS1 DataMatrix

The GS1 DataMatrix is a two-dimensional barcode used globally for encoding structured information, such as product identifiers, expiration dates, batch numbers, and serial numbers. It is part of the GS1 system, which ensures interoperability across industries like healthcare, retail, and logistics.

2D codes can be directly printed to packaging items using Ink jet, laser and direct thermal coders or can be applied as a label using traditional and Linerfree labelling systems.